Sonntag, 13. November 2016

Kaffee-Kuchen-Action Art II // BREaKING POINTS

03 December 2016  

„Perform yourself/ Perform the other“

Time: 13.00Uhr - 15.00Uhr
Place:  Carl – Zeiss – Str. 3 (Campus Ernst-Abbe-Platz), Hörsaal 4, Jena

 „Notes on the unspeakable oder als wir anfingen sprachlos zu werden“

Time: 18.00Uhr - 20.00Uhr
Place:  Carl – Zeiss – Str. 3 (Campus Ernst-Abbe-Platz), Hörsaal 4, Jena

Anna Kosarewska (Poland)
Felix Roadkill (Germany)

04 December 2016

„Perform yourself/ Perform the other“

Time: 11.00Uhr - 13.00Uhr
Place:  Kulturbahnhof Jena, Spitzweidenweg 28, 07743 Jena

//BREaKING POINTS - Video Performances//
"Whats your response"
 With Multimedia Art from Russia, Poland and Ukraine

Time:  15.00Uhr - 18.00Uhr
Place:  Kulturbahnhof Jena, Spitzweidenweg 28, 07743 Jena

Dana Seyfarth (Erfurt)
Anna Kosarewska (Warsawa)
Felix Roadkill (Berlin)
Julia Reichardt (Leipzig)

Please contact for more information about the workshop and the lecture

Flyer/Design by Jazmine Mclay


After the very successful and inspiring 1st edition of Warsaw International Performance Art Weekend with the topic 'Turbulence', including the fringe section 'Below the Line'; we feel now the great need to continue this important research and conversation about the most pressing topics our days and their performative articulations. 'Turbulence' is therefore a perfect frame and points in countless directions to continue. Enriched with a number of powerful and vigorous performances within this context during WIPAW, we would like to invite you into a more fragile sphere: the BREaKING POINTS.
Here we want to raise awarness for the fractured areas in us and our environment, for the imperceptible moment shortly before and after the crack, for the slightes split which could tell us anything and nothing. Maybe we want to stop time and rewind, breathe a handfull more air.

BREaKING POINTS invites to search for common experience of borderline states, facing the limits, going beyond the line and out of the box there we could realise and understand the nature of the BREaKING POINTS. Thereby we are also reaching out for some pressing questions about ownerships; are these points are social or private, fisical or emotional, are they located and presented by actions or stillness, are they the beginning or the end, are they what remains after everything else disappeared?
We invite you for a honest and truthful response, for the poetic encounter between permanence and impermanence, the moment in that we and everything around collaps.


In Kooperation with Warsaw International Performance Art Weekend and Performance Netzwerk Thüringen.